Issue 3 submissions will be open March 1 through April 15, 2025.

These are our general guidelines:

No reprints, please. Simultaneous submissions are ok, and the zine will only be in print form, so I don’t know if you count anything in it as ‘published’. Also, I’m not asking for exclusive rights, just the rights to include it in the zine. If you want to make my life a little easier, remove your name from your submission ahead of time.

The judging will always be blind and if you can’t or won’t take your name off your submission, I can do it. It’s not grounds for disqualification, just an extra step.

I don’t feel like anyone should have to say it, but don’t send in anything written by, or with the assistance of, AI like ChatGPT, Gemini, or whatever else is out there. What’s the point? Wouldn’t it be a lot cooler if AI did your laundry anyway? Write your own story, please.

Click below, or email to Editor at if that doesn’t pop it up for you.

Please note: by submitting a story you are guaranteeing you own the copyright to the submitted art/story and you also fully certify that you have not used AI in part or whole to generate the story/art. I cannot stress this enough; please do not send us any of that sort of thing.